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Operation Blue Elf is the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office “Boots on the ground” effort to give back to our community. We have partnered with the Sheriff’s Office Citizen Academy Alumni Association [MCSCAAA], a 501 (c ) (3) nonprofit organization, to help with fundraising and staffing this amazing event.

Since 2018, Operation Blue Elf has provided a Christmas celebration and toys to children who might otherwise do without. We partner with our local schools, who are better able to identify those families who have a need to help boost their holiday cheer. In years past we have endeavored to give those children nominated the toys they select from our list of toys that Santa’s Blue Elves are able to provide. This year we are concentrating in a different area - “Bikes and Badges!” Our sponsors and staff are excited to be able to give a bicycle to up to 500 children this year, and let them walk around the festive event to see all that the Blue Elves have prepared for them while getting to know some of the Deputies who work tirelessly to help make Montgomery County a safe place to live and play!
If you are interested in your child being able to participate in Operation Blue Elf, we urge you to contact your child’s school counselor and request consideration. Please keep in mind they are working to help us identify those who need the help the most, and we can only serve a limited amount of children each year. If you have been a part of Operation Blue Elf previously, we may need to consider other families to help spread the Christmas joy.
Merry Christmas to All!